SAC Gauteng Regionals Judges Trophy Vereeniging 2016
By Willie Bodenstein
Sunday morning at Vereeniging Airfield and the wind was pumping and for a while it seems as if the contest, originally scheduled for two days, might have to be cancelled.

Contest Director Elton Bondi during the pilot's briefing

The competitors
Elton Bondi, Chairman of the Sports Aerobatic Club and the contest director, made it clear that it was up to each individual pilot to decide whether to compete or not. Chris Joubert volunteered to go up and test the conditions. Needless to say Chris, flying his known sequence, was closely watched by the rest of the competitors.

Upon landing Chris declared the conditions marginal but flyable and the ten pilots that had entered started preparing for their slots, walking and committing their sequence to memory.

Gary Glasson

Adam Pucjlowski

Eugene Du Preez

Known sequence
Conditions remained marginal throughout the day thought it improved slightly after lunch. The wind fortunately stayed on the nose but all pilots agreed that flying an aerobatic sequence in marginal conditions was at best challenging.

Despite the marginal conditions no incidents were reported and, fortunately, the services of Bekumuzi Moqhedlana and Petrus Harmse of Parys Medics were not required.

The fate of the contenders is in the hands of the judges who sat with craned necks and watched each sequence with eagle eyes. The scores of each contestant were recorded by judges Johnie Smith, Brian van der Merwe, Cindy Weber, Geoff Sprenger and scrutinise by Chief Judge Quintin Hawthorne.

Elton Bondi with 76.66% in the Extra 300

Gary Glasson with 75.44% in the Pitts

Chris Joubert with 74.95% in the Zlin 50

Barrie Eeles with 74.68% in the Sbach

Adam Pucjlowski with 74.50% in the Zlin 50

Ivan vd Schaar with 73.55% in the Pitts S2A

Eugene du Preez with 65.63% in the Extra 300

Roger Deare with 63.67% in the Extra 300

Andrew Fletcher with 60.82% in the Zlin 50

Neville Ferreira with 52.93% in the Slick 540
The next SAC competition is the KZN regionals Ladysmith, scheduled for 22-23 October followed by Ace of Base at Vereeniging on 3-4 December. For more information email Annie Boon at