Springs Breakfast Fly in 2016

By Willie Bodenstein

Last year it was bitterly cold and 62 pilots flew in for the annual Springs breakfast. This year it was a typical spring day with glorious sunshine. However, the wind was pumping resulting in rather dusty conditions and only 20 made the journey.

Two events were held at the field, a "Wheels" show at the 'old section' whilst the fly in was held at the northern (new section) of the airfield. Gavin Brown's stunning new hangar, (a complete rebuild after the old hangar was destroyed by last year's tornado) was open to the public that visited the Wheels exhibition.

In attendance to welcome the arrivals at the fly in were Paul Sabatier, Russell Dold and Kevin Marsden.

Ivan van den Schaar in the Pitts Special and Gregory Clegg in the Jodel arriving in formation.

Shane Prinsloo and Raymond Fowkes flew in from Petit in Shane's Sling.

Daan Conradie flew from Kitty Hawk in his RV.

Pilot's Post correspondent Cheryl Smit got a lift with Anthony Cohen in his ELA Gyro.

Tinus Bronkhorst and Mark Wheeler flew from Kitty Hawk in Tinus's Tecnam.

Rodney Benn's Dornier 27 being refuelled.

Kevin and Quan Reece flew their Allo II from Fly-in Estates.

Johan van Eeden and Eric Addison next to Johan's RV7A.

Dr Mike Brown and Trixie Heron by Mike's SAAB Safir

The breakfast, as always, was good and so was the company and a good time was had by all.

Events 2016

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