Oshkosh 2016-Day Two-Innovations & Ford Trimotor

By Juri Keyter and Willie Bodenstein

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Video Summary

It's Day two at the world's biggest fly in and like yesterday it is again a lovely clear windless day. Be warned thought, Oshkosh can be hotter than “Hot as Hell” on a Christmas day so one of the most essential items to pack is sunblock!

Good news for the organisers is that al aircraft parking space have now been taken. Unfortunately this was bad news for Jan Hanekom and Johan Dorfling who flew in from Lexington in Kentucky in in a Tobago. Jan and Johan was advised after landing that the airport cannot accommodate any aircraft any more. They then flew to Fond du Lac where the by that and had to divert to Fond du Lac and had leave the Tobago would be housed for the rest of the week.

For one week the tower at Oshkosh is the busiest in the world

Packed to the rafters, Oshkosh 2016

Oshkosh 2015 in our opinion was one of the best ever and we originally were worried that the organiser's might not have been able to match it. It is now only day two and our fears have been laid to rest. As we reported yesterday the number of warbirds is the best we have ever seen and more arrived today.

The Grumman J32F Duck, never we in our wildest dreams tough that we would ever see one fly

Spoils of War. Three Eastern Block L39's parked at Warbirds

US Heritage Flight One. A 1 Mustang and F4U Corsair

US Heritage flight two. A P51 Mustang and F-16 Fighting Falcon

This year Oshkosh also celebrated the role that aviation played in World War One and looking at what was then considered the peak of technological development was the prelude to innovation we saw here today.

Thrilling the crowd today was essentially a WW1 designed aircraft powered by WW2 type radial engine and propelled by a modern day jet engine. Imagine the complexity of two power plants, two fuel tank, two throttles and never a flight phase where both are used simultaneously. Little if any aircraft on the air show scene has the power to attract the crowds like the monstrous Screaming Sasquatch flown Jeff Boerboon.

Also celebrated today was another milestone in aviation. This time fortunately not pertaining to aircraft designed as a weapon of war but rather as an affordable means to allow just about anybody to build and fly a safe and reliable aircraft; the innovative and already market leader Vans RVs.

Visitors admiring a line-up of Interstates Cadet's. Much loved by its owners the little Cadet this year celebrates it 75th birthday.

Oshkosh is the place where aviation dreams come true. For years we have walked around, staring at the brutish menacing beauty of the Fairchild Republic A10 Thunderbolt / Warthog as it stood threatening on Boeing Plaza. This year, out of the blue two arrived and we could finally scratch it of our bucket list.

Our dear American friends can wax lyrically about their aerobatic performers and with good reason; all of them are without a doubt world class performers and professional pilots of the highest standard. One of them, Rob Holland, in our opinion today showed why he is the World Unlimited Champion.

The master of power management, Luca Bertossio, created art in the sky today in his Swift S-1 Glider.

Judging by the show today we cannot wait to see what the EAA will cook up and to leave us in awe for the rest of the week.

Oshkosh 2016
Events 2016

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