EAA's First Breakfast Fly-In For 2012
By Juri Keyter
EAA Chapter 322 had its first breakfast fly-in at Tedderfield on the 14th of January 2012. Although the weather forecast was not favourable, it actually turned out to be a blue-sky morning and sixteen aircraft flew in to enjoy a boerewors roll prepared by Triexie Heron and Ron van Lear. It was clear that everyone attending was ready for the year ahead and EAA development and promotion was a priority to all.

Once we all had a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, Karl Jensen took the lead and introduced some thoughts of building a hanger to become the EAA Chapter 322 home. The EAA auditorium at Rand Airport is a perfect facility for meetings and presentations but the EAA is an organisation known for experimental aircraft and aviation projects. There are many people in our country enthusiastic about aviation but may not have the means to become involved. With a hanger of its own, the EAA may provide an opportunity to everyone who would like to be involved or learn about aircraft technical, operational and even training. Being part of an aircraft build project and eventually see it take to the skies is an incredible feeling and without a hanger providing an environment with facilities to support this, the EAA will not achieve its goal.

Two options currently exist. The first is to develop and erect a 45 X 15 meter hanger on property available at Tedderfield. The second option is to develop it at Baragwanath (Syferfontein). While inspecting the site at Tedderfield, valuable information was shared by those who have been involved in similar projects and it was concluded to first get clarification on the legal aspects, the budget, accessibility differences and the security conditions of each options. It is obviously important to make this investment but every stakeholder must be comfortable that it will be an investment and security on tenure is therefore at the top of the risk log.

We are all looking forward to the successful completion of this project. It is this type of endeavour that will ensure we accelerate the growth in this industry we all have a passion for.