2024 New Tempe Airshow

I arrived at New Tempe at around 10:00 on Friday 24 May 2024. On my arrival I found that some of the display pilots had already arrived on the day and one the day before. Dave Mandel flew through from Plett on the Thursday as bad weather was expected for Friday. André Van Zyl was busy assembling his Magni Gyro and Dave was busy doing routine checks on his Aero L39 Albatros. The Safety Director Cliff Lotter and his trusty sidekick Belinda had also already arrived in their lovely Vans RV 7.

There was a hive of activity on the airfield with lots of people working like busy ants to get everything ready for the Saturday show. Caterers, Vendors, Tent riggers, electricians and sound techs, rigging a stage in the main Beer tent for the Saturday night after party, were busy putting the finishing touches to all the infrastructure to host the event. The two boss-men were always on hand to solve any issues that might arise. Conrad Botha and Machiel Du Plessis were running around to assist anyone needing in need of help.
The team arranging the event was Conrad as main organiser. Machiel was in charge of traffic, parking, tickets and anything else in need of attention. Wian Du Plessis was in charge of the Ramp. Bendan Bosch and Johan Naude was in charge of Vendors, Beer tent and Airborne Café.
The Bloemfontein Radio Flyers were also preparing their whole range of aircraft. From a scratch built Mirage IIICZ to helicopters, all displayed by the team. Very capable pilots flew these aircraft in an amazing display of fast and slow aerobatics and flypasts.

With quite high temperatures for late May being experienced, it bode well for a great air show day. Thanks to Christine Schoeman from Skylife Adventures / Bloemfontein Skydive Club who provided me with a flat to stay in for the Friday night which made it possible for me to be out and about early on Saturday morning.

The security guards from Bloemsec Guarding Division and the refuelers from SRM Fuel & Logistics were on duty soon after the amazing sunrise.

The displays on the program were:
Skydivers, Nashua aerobatics, Gyro display, RC Jets and Planes, Supercar / aircraft races, Bosbok display, L39 Jet display, Marksmen Aerobatic Team, Gazelle Helicopter display, Good Year Eagles display and the Master Power Duo display.
Seven Skydivers from the Bloemfontein Skydive Club did the display jumps with landings directly in front of the crowd line. On the final jump the crowd was treated to some Canopy Relative Work (CRW) with two skydivers doing a canopy stack and flying it in all the way to the ground. Conrad Botha was the pilot in the Atlas Angel Jump plane. This highly modified Atlas Kudu was a very capable aircraft and reaching jump altitudes within a few minutes. The skydivers entertained the crowds with three jumps during the day.

Nashua Extra 300LP aerobatics:
Andrew Blackwood-Murray flew his Nashua branded Extra 300 LP in an exciting display of solo aerobatics. Andrew also flies competition aerobatics with the Sport Aerobatic Club of South Africa. Always the entertainer, in the sky or on the ground, I managed to get some shots of him in, in entertainer mode. As with all the other displays Andrew got to fly two displays. One pre-lunch and one post.

Gyro display:
Andre van Zyl again thrilled the crowds with his amazing capability of flying his Magni Gyro in attitudes that the average gyro pilot could only dream of. Andre removes the rotor blade from his gyro and loads the aircraft on a purpose built trailer. He then tows the aircraft behind his car and attends air shows all over the country.

Derek Lord and Piet Matthee Flew the Aermacchi AM3 C Bosbok up from the Western Cape to come and fly their display at the show, a flight of more than five hours. At some stages they had headwinds so strong that they could only reach ground speeds of around 86 knots. Derek flew a great sequence of low flypasts, high speed passes, low speed passes and wing overs.

L39 Jet:
Dave Mandel flew his Aero L-39C Albatros in the display and performed a number of aerial combat manoeuvres. The well-kept trainer jet was a highlight for many of the spectators.

Marksmen Aerobatic team:
The Marksmen Aerobatic Team consists of Mark Hensman (Lead) flying an MX2, Johnie Smith (No.2 and Solo) in his Extra 330LX and Eugene Du Preez (No. 3) in his Extra 330SC. The team flew great team aerobatics with Johnie doing solo aerobatics during the display.

Gazelle Helicopter Display:
Juba Joubert once again showed why he is considered one of the best helicopter pilots around. Juba flew this helicopter in a spectacle of High-speed passes, Sideways flights, rearward flight, torque climbs, torque turns, slow passes and hover turns. Juba also took part in a car plane race where he raced a Ferrari on runway 01/19.

Good Year Eagles:
The team consisting of Nigel Hopkins (Lead), Jason Beamish (No. 2) and Gareth Gill (No.3 and Solo). The three Pitts S-2B aircraft were ferried from Rand airport by owner Dennis Spence, Gareth Gill and Alan Geldenhuys on Saturday morning. The Pitts special has been around for many years and has been flown in teams since I can remember from shows in the early to mid-80's.

Master Power Duo:
The team, consisting of Nigel Hopkins (Lead) Extra 330SC and Jason Beamish (N0.2) Extra 330LX, have been flying together for many years and has displayed all over the world. The two fly high energy aerobatics as a team and also as solo display pilots. The team is being sponsored by Master Power Technologies.

During the lunch break we were treated to a ten-ship flypast consisting of most of the aircraft that took part in the show.
First group of three: (Master Power Duo and Nashua)
Nigel Hopkins, Andrew Blackwood-Murray, Jason Beamish
Second group: (Marksmen)
Mark Hensman, Johnie Smith, Eugene Du Preez
Third group: (Good Year Eagles)
Dennis Spence, Gareth Gill, Alan Geldenhuys
Solo in the fourth row was:
Conrad Botha in his Dent Doctor sponsored Slick 360

There were also some visiting aircraft and an impromptu fly past by the SAPS Squirrel helicopter returning from a call out in town.

The SA Armor Museum had four of their military vehicles on display. These vehicles are lovingly cared for by a small group of dedicated enthusiasts and some military personnel.
